The 4-H Beef project is part of the 4-H Animal Science Program. The 4-H Animal Science Program offers Tennessee youth valuable educational opportunities through raising, exhibiting, and judging livestock and horses. 4-H Animal Science participants are challenged with real-life issues as they learn responsibility through raising, showing, and judging horses and livestock. Species included in the 4-H Livestock and Horse programs include beef, dairy, goat, horse, poultry, sheep, and swine.
Learn what you can do in this project area.
Coming Soon!
Information for Project Leaders
Coming soon
Tennessee Beef Industry Council 4-H Contests
Check out these awesome contests available exclusively to Tennessee 4-H members. Special thanks to the Tennessee Beef Industry Council for providing our 4-H members with the opportunity to participate in a variety of beef-related activities! Please see the links below for more information about these contests and activities, including details and deadlines.
Savor the Flavor Video Contest

- More information to come!
- Example Savor the Flavor Video
Beef Backer Contest

- More information to come!