Tennessee’s 4-H Camp Education Centers
Tennessee 4-H has a variety of camping options. Please contact your county Extension office to sign up for 4-H Camp. Volunteer opportunities are available.
Tennessee 4-H operates four 4-H Centers located throughout the state. The 4-H Centers offer a wide variety of camps — an extensive summer camping program for young people in fourth through twelfth grades and camping programs during the school year to accommodate school groups. There are also special camps that take place throughout the year.
So, if your thing is kayaking, swimming, electricity, wildlife, archery, fishing, hiking, ecology, photography, crafts, canoeing, talent shows, drama, soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, low ropes, cookouts, making new friends, hanging out with old friends, or whatever (whew!) – There’s something just for you at 4-H Camp!!
Extension 4-H Professionals
4-H Camping Events
STEM at the 4-H Centers

About the 4-H Centers
The Tennessee 4-H Centers make every effort to ensure that your child has a safe and rewarding camp experience. The county 4-H agents, adult and teen volunteer leaders, and permanent camp staff encourage all participants to experience new adventures and make new friends.
Camp facilities are regularly inspected and meet Health Department guidelines. The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture safety officer evaluates camp facilities to keep them free of hazards. Three 4-H Centers are accredited according to the strict guidelines of the American Camp Association. The newly acquired Lone Oaks Farm will also be going through the accreditation process.
As accredited facilities, there are first-aid stations located on the campgrounds, and local hospitals provide care in case of an emergency. Medications are kept in a safe location and monitored by adults; however, it is the responsibility of the parents to notify county 4-H agents of any medical conditions which may apply to their child. Professional and summer staff receive training in first-aid, safety procedures, and program areas. There are two leaders for every sixteen children, including county agents and Center staff. Lifeguards are on duty at the pools.
Campers should attend and participate in activities as scheduled. The camp schedules provide a variety of classes with something for everyone. Each Center offers a slightly different program, which provides greater flexibility. Below is a brief description of each 4-H Center and the facilities and activities offered.
Personal Electronic Devices at the 4-H Centers
Mobile phones are not to be brought by campers. If found, Extension agents will tell the youth to put the phone out of sight. A second offense will result in the youth being sent home. This is for the safety and security of the youth and everyone at the event. All phone communication between parent and child should be done through an Extension agent or Camp staff.