Communications & Public Speaking

The 4-H Communication/PublicSpeaking project will help you learn to express yourself in a variety of ways, from speeches to written communication.

Public Speaking Contest at Tennessee 4-H Congress

Congress 2019

Learn what you can do in this project area.

Talk to Me

This lesson focuses on providing students with the basic information on structure for an informative speech. This information can be useful if presented in a club meeting prior to the local 4-H Public Speaking contest. A good follow up to this lesson is “What Did You Say?” which discusses proper delivery of speeches.

What Did You Say?

This lesson looks at methods and skills that are important when delivering a speech. These include being prepared, staying relaxed, planning body and hand motions, and paying attention to detail. Students will then be able to apply the skills learned in this lesson to their 4-H speeches.

Additional Resources

Follow the links below to find some great online resources for your project. Surf around and see what you can learn.