Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
Online via Canvas and Zoom
Registration & film submissions close July 17, 2020
Visit Film Fest 4H Site
FilmFest 4-H is a national film festival for youth that are filmmakers, visual artists, aspiring actors, and those that are just interested in meeting other creative people. FilmFest helps youth become producers, not just consumers, of digital media.
FilmFest 4-H takes place in a 4-H environment. Imagination, fun and curiosity are essential! Cameras, smart phones and mobile devices are strictly encouraged. Courtesy and creativity are always in style.
The deadline for film submissions is July 17th, 2020. No late submissions will be collected. Registration to attend the virtual conference, which is August 1-2, 2020, will be open until July 17th. Filmmakers are not required to attend the conference, but it is highly encouraged.
Eligibility: Filmmakers must be 11-18 years of age as of January 1, 2020.
- All film entries must be created and produced by the filmmaker(s).
- Auto-generated movies (in which software makes editing choices for you) are not acceptable.
- Works may be original or adapted from a previous published source.
- All footage must be original, except for documentaries which may include non-original foot- age from other sources.