Shaping the Future Together: Volume 22, Issue 7
Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – February and Week 4
Curriculum Corner

Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Whether you are a 4-H Agent, program assistant, school teacher, parent or even a 4-H member, this Gardening Guide for Tennessee’s Teachers is a…
Got Your B.E.S.T. Stool Yet?! Here’s Your Chance!

The 2022 training dates for spring and fall Leg Two (Presentation) portion of B.E.S.T. (Building Exceptionally Skilled Teachers) have been set. Registration is now open in K@TE for the spring…
Williamson County Hosts 4-H International Event

Williamson County 4-H hosted the first 4-H International Event this month to explore the continent of Asia. The event invited 4-H members to select a country in Asia to learn…
Washington County 4-H Member Competes in the National Make it with Wool Contest

Callie Smith, Washington County 4-H member, represented Tennessee at the National Make it with Wool (MIWW) competition held in San Diego, CA. Callie was among 21 junior contestants who had…
Four Tennessee Teams will Compete in Food Competition

Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Congratulations to the counties and 4-H members who were selected to represent Tennessee! Tennessee and Arkansas 4-H members will compete in the first 4-H Mid-South Food…
4-H Scholarship Deadline Pushed to May 1

he Tennessee 4-H scholarship selection committee has competed their evaluation of applications submitted for 2021. The following 4-H’ers were selected and recognized at the 2021 Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference. Scholarships totaling more than $30,000 were awarded.
Young Farmer and Ranchers

The next generation of 4-H and FFA members Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader When I first began attending the Young Farmers and Ranchers events, I was told…