Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Congratulations are in order for all 4-H agents, volunteers and teen leaders who encouraged 4-H’ers to apply for Honor Club member- ship last year. A total of 533 4-H’ers were initiated into the Honor Club during the 2017 calendar year, an increase of 86 (19.2%) as compared to 2016.
Bradley and Madison counties initiated the most Honor Club members in 2017 with 41 new members each. Other counties in the top five included Crockett County with 27; Sevier County with 26; and Claiborne and Hawkins counties with 22 each.
The Eastern Region was the top region with 240 initiates, followed by the Central Region with 147 and the Western Region with 146. Additional data on Honor Club initiates may be found on the Website.
Remember Honor Club is a recognition program. Honor Club recognizes members for participation in educational opportunities; membership does not involve winning any kind of competition. Members receive points on the application form just for participating. Any 4-H’er meeting a minimum number of points can achieve Honor Club recognition. An active Honor Club is an indication of a quality teen program.
Why not invite your outstanding 4-H members to an application party hosted by your Honor Club members? Don’t delay. Start your 4-H members working on their Honor Club applications today! We’re awaiting your applications for 2018.