Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist
The market hog show was held in conjunction with the Tennessee Pork Producers Association annual meeting. The judge for the show was Will Hilty of Mount Pleasant, PA.
During the 2017 Tennessee Junior Market Hog Show, 305 4-H and FFA members exhibited 546 hogs. In addition to showing individual market hogs, there were competitions in showmanship, carcass ultrasound class, skillathon and premier exhibitor.

- Tennessee Farm Bureau Insurance sponsored the $1,000 11th and 12th grade division and the $500 9th and 10th grade division Premier Exhibitor scholarships.
- Tennessee Pork Producers Association sponsored awards for 7th and 8th, 5th and 6th and 4th grade divisions Premier Exhibitors.
- UT Department of Animal Science presented the exhibitors of the grand champion and the 11th and 12th grade Showman trophy award belt buckles.
- Farm Credit of Mid-America awarded showmanship winners with cash awards.
- Tennessee Pork Producers, Tosh Farms, Tennessee Livestock Producers, Farm Credit of Mid America and Zoetis sponsored premium awards for champion and reserve champion hogs.
- Other sponsors of the 2017 Market Hog Show include Tennessee Farmers Cooperative, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, SureChamp, Jonathan Pierce, Dr. Dwight Loveday, Prater Show Pigs, Carr Brothers, Reese Brothers Mule Company, UT Department of Animal Science and UT Extension.
A special thank you to all the Extension staff, specialist, parents, volunteers and sponsor who made this year’s show a success!
Complete show results can be found on the Tennessee Youth Animal Science Website.
More photos can be found on the Tennessee 4-H Livestock Program Facebook Page.
Champion market hog went to John Neely, Rutherford County and his 262 pound hog. Reserve honors went to Kate Lamon from Giles County and her 272
pound hog.
173 hogs were ultrasounded for the car- cass class. Winning top honors was Cora Key of Clay County. A special thank you to Jerri Lynn Sims and Dr. Dwight Loveday
for ultrasounding those pigs!
The annual Tennessee Junior Market Hog Show Photography Contest was held this year. Winners included:
- Abby Grace Rippy, Sumner County
- Ruth Ann Johns, Williamson County
- Abbie Lampley, Hickman County
- Abi Bartholomew, Henderson County
The most “liked” photo contest will run
Champion Market: Hog John Neely, Rutherford 262 lb.
Reserve Champion Market Hog: Kate Lamon, Giles 272 lb.
through noon on Wednesday, February 1. To “like” your favorite photo visit the Tennessee 4-H Livestock Program Facebook page.