Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist
Photography is a great project for youth to develop an eye for beauty, the unexpected and the unusual. The Tennessee 4-H Photo Search Contest allows youth to showcase their photos at the county level and at the state level.
At the request of a number of agents, a change is in place regarding the digital copy of the photos sent for the contest. Photo entries submitted to the state office by the 4-H county agent. Each county can submit up to ten photos. Most agent have a county contest and select their top ten county photos that will then compete at the state level.
In addition to the entry form and the actual 5” x 7” photo, agents can send a digital file of the photos via e-mail as a jpeg file instead of submitting a copy on a CD. There are specifications for the digital photo that need to be followed to allow us to make a larger copy of the winning photos. Please read the new procedure and guidelines and make sure they are followed for a successful entry experience.
The new guidelines, requirements and procedure, and the entry form are located on the 4-H website.
Photo Search Contest entries are due June 5, 2018. All components of an entry must be in the state office by the due date. Please remember, all entries must come from the county agent.
Questions regarding the new guidelines can be emailed to Carmen G. Burgos.