Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
It is with pleasure that the Tennessee State 4-H Office announces the finalists in Citizenship and Leadership 4-H Project e-Portfolios for 2020. These members received the highest scores in e-Portfolio competition. The finalists will attend State 4-H Congress later this month to cap off the competition with interviews. Competition takes place on Sunday, March 22. All finalists will receive details from me this week regarding times, locations and preparation information. The finalists are listed below in alphabetical order by county. The alternates are listed in order by rank. Only the top four alternates are listed. Please join me in congratulating the following:
Level I Finalists
- Kaitlyn West, Crockett County
- Anne Eddins, Knox County
- Alyssa Ross, Knox County
- Aidan Flynn, Macon County
- Camdin Eller, Robertson County
- Hattie Martinek, Sumner County
Level I Alternates
(Note: There has been one cancellation and the first alternate has moved up)
- Molly Dodd, Warren County
- Rayton Bell, Warren County
- Desha Wilkins, Hamilton County
Level II Finalists
- Helen Wagner, Anderson County
- AJ Hillard, Crockett County
- Natalee Sturgill, Fentress County
- Madison Valentine, Sevier County
- Madison Ellen Bowman, Overton County
- Tucker Mountain, Overton County
Level II Alternates
- Anna Avery, Hardeman County
Level I Finalists
(Note: There was a tie in this division)
- Lillian Vandagriff, Anderson County
- Meredith Grant, Anderson County
- Jim Jenkins, Hawkins County
- Magdalene Boyle, Knox County
- Allen Jones, Robertson County
- Haley Brown, Sumner County
- Kyeler Penick, Weakley County
Level I Alternates
- Michaela Bianco, Overton County
- Taylor Cantrell, Dyer County
- Emily Ann Lawrence, Crockett County
- Maddie Rippy, Sumner County
Level II Finalists
- Bonnie Chandler, Anderson County
- Tim Held, Bradley County
- Haylee Ferguson, Rutherford County
- Claire Brooks, Warren County
- Kaia Chesbro, Williamson County
- Grace Powell, Wilson County
Level II Alternates
- Leiah Wilkins, Hamilton County
- Sarah Camp, Lawrence County
- Andrew Lawson, Blount County
- Breanna Mills, Decatur County