Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader
For many, many years, Tennessee 4-H has been involved in inaugurations for our past state Governors. I can recall stories of 4-H members freezing as they marched in the Governor’s parade. I, too, have had that experience with our 4-H members but luckily we walked in warmer weather. Our youth, volunteers, and staff have marched in parades, registered VIP’s, answered questions from guests, and passed out programs. When state leadership calls, 4-H answers.
This year was no exception. We were given the opportunity to assist with all facets of the inauguration, from stuffing packets to assisting with inaugural events, including the reception and actual swearing-in. In fact, of the 140 volunteers from across Tennessee who assisted with activities for Governor Lee’s inauguration, 88 of those volunteers represented Tennessee 4-H!
Way to go, 4-H members, volunteers, and staff! They called, and y’all showed up!