Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
Congratulations to the winners of the Tennessee 4-H State Beekeeping Essay Contest.
The winners are:
1st Place—Paige Costello, Carroll County
2nd Place—Jonah Chitwood, Knox County
3rd Place—Audrey Kraszewski, Montgomery County
Because of her win, Paige Costello’s essay has been entered into the national competition.
The Beekeeping Essay Contest allows 4-H’ers to use their writing and research skills in developing an essay on a beekeeping-related topic. Cash awards are available to winners on the national and state level. The 2023 topic was “The Importance of Beeswax.”
A big thanks to Jennifer Tsuruda, our Tennessee State Apiculturist and assistant professor here Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, at the University of Tennessee.

Contact Daniel Sarver for more information.