Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
The State 4-H All-Star Officers would like to invite current 9th-12th grade 4-H members to the first State 4-H All-Star Camp. The camp will be held May 26—28 at the York 4-H Center in Crossville. The Aloha 4-H All Stars Camp will feature fun shops, networking, games, dancing, and service. The cost of the weekend camp is $210, which includes lodging, meals, and a T-shirt. Registration is now open and will close on Monday, May 1. A detailed schedule will be sent to attendees as the date approaches. Registration will be held from 5—6 pm on Friday, and we will adjourn by 10 a.m. on Sunday. Attendees may submit a proposal for a 45-minute fun shop. Ideas include line dancing, cooking, making a craft, or anything 4-H project related. Contact your county 4-H agent to register and submit fun shop proposals. |