Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
Hello from Murfreesboro. We are right in the middle of the Tennessee 4-H Congress where we are celebrating our seventy-fifth event this year. What an amazing Congress it has been so far. Last night we were able to see the Performing Arts Troupe, including many alum who came back to be in the show, as well as see a special parade of delegates and had visitors from many Congress events in the past, including Hontas Bailey (pictured with her daughter Robin and Mr Crowe) who was a delegate from Washington County to the very first Congress in 1948.
4-H Congress has provided opportunities for tens of thousands of young people and this year is no different. As I write this, I am at the legislature where the young people are discussing bills that are important to them, participate in educational sessions. This year we also have the Tennessee 4-H Congress History Museum which is full of lots of interesting photos and artifacts from 4-H Congresses gone by. This event is a wonderful experience to train and help young people grow and learn as leaders and become more civic-minded.
I cant wait to see what the next many years of 4-H Congress hold.
p.s. Tina Turner was not able to come to the pageant but was able to send her friend who was able to sing nutbush city limits. I heard that he didn’t do that bad of a job.