4-H Congress to Recognize Rebekah Lemley

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Dwight Loveday, Interim Director and Statewide 4-H Program Leader

During the “Know Your Government” session, 4-H Senators and Representatives will have the opportunity to dedicate the 73rd Tennessee 4-H Congress to Ms. Rebekah Lemley. In this issue you will find a resolution recognizing the many contributions of Ms. Rebekah Lemley to 4-H.

Rebekah was an outstanding 4-Her; but, I got to know her bet- ter as a volunteer leader and donor. She was at most events as “nurse” Lemeley. Rebekah was a donor for the Food Sci- ence project and I got to work with her during project interviews. Her desire to help young people was overwhelming! This is exemplified by her work with Camp Hope,Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s pediatric burn survivor program. Ridley 4-H Center was a special place for Rebekah and she brought Camp Hope to Ridley 4-H Camp.

Ms. Rebekah Lemley is missed. My hope is that we all will transform our passion for Tennes- see 4-H into action as Rebekah so well demonstrated.