Maria Sabin, Program Assistant, Hamilton County
Four 8th grade students from one of Hamilton County’s 4-H Next Chapter groups attended President Randy Boyd’s UT Promise reception in Chattanooga on Tuesday, September 24. The students met President Boyd and spoke with him for several minutes. President Boyd mentioned 4-H and this group of 4-H’ers in his speech later during the reception. President Boyd asked the students what they were learning in 4-H, and one of them told him they were learning about setting goals for the future. We had just completed the SMART goals Next Chapter lesson two weeks earlier so I was very glad they remembered what we had covered in that meeting.
The 4-H’ers also had the chance to meet and speak with UTC Chancellor Steve Angle and Dr. Richard Brown, the Executive vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance. I thought the evening went well, and I hope that this experience will prove inspiring for these young men.
Here is a photo of the students with President Boyd. The reception was held at UT Chattanooga, and President Boyd suggested they all make the “Power C” hand sign for UTC, which you can see in the photo. There were quite a few photographers present at the reception, so you may see additional photos of these students in the news media.