Carmen Burgos, Extension Specialist
Do you know youth who are seeking funding for college? Tennessee 4-H offers a wide variety of scholarships for active 4-H members. Please en- courage your high school seniors who are planning on attending college to review the list of scholarships offered and determine if they qualify to apply for any.
The application form and requirements have been updated. Please make sure you are submitting the current 2017 application form. Scholarship requirements and the application can be found on the state 4-H web site. The form is an interactive PDF form and it is highly recommended that applicants submit a typed form.This makes it easier for judges to read. Save the file to your hard drive. Complete the form and save. Print or send the application file by e-mail to the state office.Transcripts will need to be scanned and submitted with the application if sent by e-mail.
Completed scholarship applications are due to the state 4-H office May 1. Note that not all of the scholarships require youth to major in agriculture or attend UTK. Some scholarships are also available to youth who have already completed one year of college so read the guidelines carefully! Re- mind youth they must have a copy of their high school transcript attached to the application in order to be considered a complete 4-H scholarship application.Without the transcript, the application will not be processed.
Please send application to the state office, attention Carmen Burgos. Application needs to arrive by May 1 in order for it to be processed for judging in a timely manner. If you have any questions, Please contact Carmen Burgos.
Scholarships Available:
- African-American Scholarship – $300
- AGR Scholarship (due March 1) – $500
- Alan Peace Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Arthur Wells Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Charline H. Powell Scholarship – $1000
- Earl Knepp Agricultural Scholarship – $600
- Farm Credit Services of Mid-America 4-H Scholarship – $1000
- FarmHouse Agricultural Scholarship – $500
- Glibert N. Rhodes Agricultural Scholarship – $500
- G.L. Herrington Agricultural Scholarship (due March 1) – $1000
- Harold Robbins Agricultural Scholarship – $300
- Hamilton-Brown Scholarship – $500
- Lovelace-McKinney Scholarship (renewable for 4 years) – $1500/ semester
- Mary Basinger Elliott Memorial Scholarship – $1500
- Mary Neal Alexander Scholarship – $500
- Mary Stanfill Family & Consumer Sciences Scholarship – $200
- Mary Stanfill Memorial Scholarship – $1000
- Richard Shadden Memorial Scholarship – $250
- Steve McNeil Memorial Scholarship – $500
- TEAFCS Scholarship – $500
- TFGA Mary B. Cooper Scholarship – $300
- Tennessee Rural Health Nursing Scholarship – $1250
- Troy & Susie Johnson Memorial Scholarship – $500
- W.B. & Imogene Kyker Agricultural Scholarship – $250