Aaron Fisher, Extension Specialist
4-H Sheep Conference is scheduled for May 24-25, 2019 at Hyder-Burks Arena in Cookeville, TN. The senior session (for youth in grades 8-12) is Friday, May 24 beginning at 6 PM and will include Sheep Para- sites 101 with Dr. Lew Strickland, Extension Veterinarian in the UT Department of Animal Science. The general session is Saturday, May 25 and is open to anyone. It will include information on feeding your lamb for show, skillathon training, showmanship and grooming clinic and a quiz bowl.
Youth will also have the opportunity to become YQCA certified in order to meet that exhibition requirement for Sheep Expo. This session will be led by Thomas Greenlee. Youth must register for this session separately through the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals website. It is $3 per youth and is paid to YQCA. Registration for this session will be available at the event.
See attached for schedule and more information.