Scott Reese, 4-H Outdoor Education Specialist
Agents and Volunteers,
Please send this information to your Shooting Sports volunteers and 4-H youth in your county.
This fall will be a very busy time for 4-H. Due to the COVID-19 situation we have had to make some changes to the 2020 4-H Shooting Sports events and activities. Below is a list of dates and some of the changes that we are planning for this fall. Please keep in mind that all things are subject to change depending on CDC, State, County, and University guidelines and recommendations.
- Our main objective this fall is the selection of teams to represent Tennessee at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championship in June of 2021. Therefore, all 4-H Shooting Sports events this fall (accept BB Rifle) will be for 4-Her’s who are in 9-12th grades this fall. (8th grade – 11th grade on January 1, 2020)
- Our BB Rifle event this fall will be conducted as a Postal Match and will not be the selection process for the 2021 Daisy Nationals. That selection will be at our regular Spring BB Rifle Jamboree. So, our Fall BB Postal Match will include all eligible age groups.
- Archery will be Recurve and Compound only, no Genesis division. The date has also changed.
- Target SMART Camp will be redesigned so that every camper will get to experience all of the shooting sports disciplines as well as the one we call Hunting and Outdoor Skills. Tennessee Hunter Education Certification will also be a part of Target SMART Camp this fall.
Dates and Locations:
- Instructor Certification – August 7-8, @ Clyde York 4-H Center, Crossville.
- Shotgun Fall Jamboree – September 11-12, @ Nashville Gun Club.
- Air Rifle/Air Pistol Fall Jamboree – September 26, @ Hyder-Burk Arena, Cookeville.
- Archery Fall Jamboree – September 26, @ Hyder-Burk Arena, Cookeville.
- Archery and Air Rifle/Air Pistol are separate events, both at Hyder-Burks, but held in different locations on the property.
- BB Fall Postal Match – October 1-31, held in individual counties with mail in targets.
- Target SMART Camp – October 1-4, @ Ridley 4-H Center, Columbia.
- Details for each event will be posted on the website closer to the time of the event and registration in SUPER will be available closer to time.
Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures for all of these events will be subject to change and/or be adjusted to meet current UT Extension COVID-19 guidelines that are in place at the time of the event.
Thank you for working with us to provide the best Shooting Sports program in the State of Tennessee and helping us to provide positive youth development through outdoor recreation for so many young people.
Call me if you have questions, Scott