The next generation of 4-H and FFA members
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
When I first began attending the Young Farmers and Ranchers events, I was told they were sort of like the next generation of 4-H and FFA. I couldn’t agree more. This group of young adults comes together several times per year to learn about the latest trends in the agriculture industry, connect with commodity leaders, and to network with their peers. While I exceed the age limit for this group, I still enjoy attending and representing UT Extension.
This past weekend, I traveled with seven members of our UTK Collegiate 4-H/FFA club to the YFR Young Leaders Conference. While there, I had the chance to hear legislative updates, visit with TFBF leadership, and meet YFR members who share a common love of agriculture. For those 4-H agents who are active in YFR or who currently collaborate locally, awesome! If you don’t, let me know how I can help. I will be glad to connect you with TFBF leadership or your local YFR group. They do amazing work across our great state. |