Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader
With the new year comes new opportunities, new ideas, and new reasons to get excited. Personally, I am very excited about new opportunities within 4-H, new partnerships with stakeholders, and the opportunity for me to be out and about across the state seeing the innovative work happening by our county 4-H agents. The next few months are jam-packed for me as I travel to the State 4-H Hog Show and the National 4-H Leadership Conference as well as make county visits and get to connect with many of you across the state.
If you think about 2023 in your own county 4-H program, what are you most excited about? I hope it’s a new idea, a new opportunity, or a new 4-H member who just joined your county program. Whatever it is I know it will get you excited and keep you motivated throughout the year.
Thanks for what you do that I know about and as always, all the things you do that I don’t know about.