Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
The 27th annual Tennessee 4-H Electric Camp was held on the campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, June 26-29, with 254 campers in attendance. Campers explored the world of energy, electricity and the basic sciences through fun-filled, hands-on learning experiences.
In addition to the campers, 12 senior 4-H members attended as camp assistants. The Western Region boasted the largest delegation with 132 members attending.The Central Region had 99 members; and the Eastern Region had 35. Stewart County had the largest county delegation with 47 campers.
4-H Electric Camp is made possible through a unique partnership established between UT Extension; the Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and its statewide member cooperatives; the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association and its municipal power system members from across the state;TVA; and other industry donors.
The dates for 2019 are June 25-28, 2019.