Dr. Richard Clark
The summer is in full swing and the Tennessee 4-H program is excited to host Junior High 4-H members for the annual Academic Conference at UT-Knoxville. Approximately 160 youth and adults will ar- rive on Tuesday, June 13 for an exciting combination of fun, education, and career exploration.Youth will engage with professionals from the Knoxville Zoo, visit with campus faculty to explore 16 4-H project areas, tour the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, and enjoy a fun filled afternoon at Dollywood. 4-H members will also participate in service learning projects in the Knoxville area.
I want to express my thanks to the university faculty that provide a wonderful hands-on experience to our 4-H members.These faculty help the members learn about 16 of our 26 project areas.They also help our youth understand how increasing their subject matter knowledge can lead to careers in their area of interest.
Experiencing a university campus, living in the dormitories, eating college food, and working with faculty helps the 4-H member look for- ward to attending college and pursuing an exciting career. “4-H Grows Here” at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville!