Thomas Broyles, Extension Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development
Youth in 9th through 12th grade are invited to Tennessee State University for an agriscience fair competition with significant cash prizes and other financial incentives.
- Agricultural Engineering Animal Sciences
- Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
- Food & Nutrition Sciences
- Plant Sciences
- Social Sciences (Ag Ed, Ag Bus, Human Sciences)
- The first place project in each of the categories above will receive $500.
- The second place project will receive $250.
- Students awarded one of the top two projects in each category are promised a seat in the prestigious Summer Apprenticeship Program, a $1,000 value.
- The top two students in each category will also be awarded a Dean’s Scholar Internship, a research- based internship that should allow you to graduate from college debt-free. To receive this financial incentive, students must study a major in the College of Agriculture and meet program eligibility standards.
- The chapter with the most student participation will win an award too!
- All participants who register and present their research at the TSU Agricultural Science Fair will receive a t-shirt so you can let everyone know what a Big Blue Nerd you are!
Winners will be recognized at an Awards Program immediately following student presentations and judges’ final decisions. For more information please visit the Tennessee State University website or please feel free to contact Mr. William Hayslett at 615-963-5438 or Dr. John Ricketts at 615-630- 0526.