Dwight Loveday, Interim Director and Statewide 4-H Program Leader

Another busy and exciting week in Tennessee 4-H! 4-H agents are meeting clubs, volunteers teaching “Next Chapter” lessons, preparations being made for shooting sports, planning National 4-H Congress, and conducting 4-H agent in-service. Our Tennessee 4-H Council President flying with the Commissioner of Agriculture to the Sunbelt Ag Expo and Elizabeth Sanders (former TN 4-Her, current extension agent) speaking to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Wow!
To start the week, Tennessee 4-H had another successful Fall Judging event. It is always a joy to see the excitement as the awards are presented and the pride on their faces as they celebrate their accomplishments. But, I had a special moment at Fall Judging. A mom approached me and stated that she wanted to talk to me about 4-H Roundup this year in Martin. She told me the story of her daughter crying on the way to the bus and her reluctance to go to Roundup and participate in the interviews. Upon returning, she told her mom she had fun, made friends and the interviews were not that bad. She really had a nice conversation with the judges. Mom told me that Roundup made a change in her daughter. She just wanted me to know that she appreciated the IMPACT 4-H has had on her daughter.

Folks, that is why we do 4-H. We teach, we plan, we implement events, we make opportunities. The result is impact youth; we change lives!
Celebrate these victories for a job well done.