Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader
Do you know of someone who can “Be a Patriot. Become a Poll Official.”?
Elections are not possible without the work of poll officials who help run polling locations across Tennessee. Poll officials are at the center of democracy during early voting and on Election Day while get- ting paid for their work. Most counties need additional poll officials for the August 6 State and Federal Primary and County General Election.
Poll officials perform various tasks to help polling sites run smoothly, including greeting voters, answering questions, processing voters, explaining how to cast a ballot and counting votes. Any eligible voter can apply, regardless of political affiliation.
Qualifications to be a poll official:
- Be a registered voter if 18 or older
- Be at least 16 years old
- Not be a candidate or close relative of a candidate
- Be able to read and write in the English language
The following government employees can also serve as poll officials:
- City, County or Metro employees, unless working directly under the supervision of an elect- ed official on the ballot
- State of Tennessee employee
- Federal employees – consult your Human Resources department to ensure eligibility
Poll officials are compensated for working during early voting and on Election Day, as well as for at- tending required training sessions.For more information and to sign up to become a poll official, visit GoVoteTN.com.