Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Bradley County had 38 Honor Club applications approved last month. Congratulations to 4-H agents Lynne Middleton and Robin Ramsey on making opportunities available that would enable such a large number of applicants to be accepted. Honor Club applications are also up statewide with a total of 282 members approved to date… 42 more than this time last year.
Remember Honor Club is a recognition program. Honor Club recognizes members for participation in educational opportunities; membership does not involve winning any kind of competition. Members receive points on the application form just for participating. Any 4-H’er meeting a minimum number of points can achieve Honor Club recognition. An active Honor Club is an indication of a quality teen program.
Savannah Dodson, a student assistant in our department, is working with Honor Club this year. If you have Honor Club applications to be approved, be sure to use a summary form to list the appli- cants and allow enough time for her to review and approve the applications in time for your initiation ceremony.