Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation
Thanks to the generosity of George and June Brown of Coffee County the Brown/Gillam Family Legacy Award Endowment was established to give much deserved recognition to 4-H families who have demonstrated consistent leadership, service, and involvement in 4-H on the country, region, and state levels across several generations.
The Award is to be presented to a family in which three generations or more have participated in the 4-H Program. A family may receive the state recognition only one time. The award recipient is to be selected based on the following criteria:
- Participation of family members in the 4-H Program – 50%
- Participation, volunteerism and volunteer leadership at the county level – 30%
- Participation, volunteerism and volunteer leadership at the regional and state level – 20%
There is a very simple application that consist of a one-page family story and a statement of recommendation from a county Extension agent from the nominating county. The selected family will be recognized at the Tennessee 4-H Congress. The county which nominated the selected family will be awarded a $250 prize that will be transferred to a 4-H Foundation account of their choosing.
Applications Due March 6, 2020 Submit to:
Ryan Hensley
Tennessee 4-H Foundation 2621 Morgan Circle
205 Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996