Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader

For many years, 4-H members around the world have celebrated National 4-H Week the first full week of October. Last week was no exception. Many of us had the chance to reflect on what 4-H means to each of us and highlight the program in different ways. I saw tons of social media posts, videos, texts, etc. where 4-H members shared how the program had impacted them.
Should 4-H only be celebrated once per year? For me, I try to celebrate 4-H every day. This program, which has given me far more than I feel I have given it, has afforded me countless opportunities to learn and grow, even as an adult. In my youth, 4-H was the “vehicle” that took me on educational trips and helped me learn how much bigger the world was than just McNairy County, where I grew up. As an adult, I have had innumerable chances to help young people develop through my work. I have so many reasons to celebrate 4-H. There are so many, in fact, that I could celebrate all day every day and probably never finish. What’s your 4-H story? How has 4-H impacted you? Don’t wait until next October to tell your story. Share why you love this organization now. Tell a friend. Post it on social media. Call your 4-H agent and volunteer leaders who helped you and thank them. There’s literally no time better than now to celebrate 4-H.