Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader
Each year during National 4-H Week, members, volunteers, staff, supporters, etc. have the opportunity to celebrate this amazing organization we love. This year is no exception. The focus for 2020 is #opportunity4all. In 4-H, we provide learning opportunities for youth from all walks of life to help them further develop into leaders.
Our specific focus this year is on the outdoors. Extension Specialist Scott Reese has developed a plethora of activities and educational videos which are posted on the Tennessee 4-H Facebook page (linked to the picture below).
Help us celebrate this wonderful organization by sharing on social media #National4HWeekTN, telling others about your experiences in 4-H, and by using the skills you have learned in 4-H to make someone else’s day better.
Happy National 4-H Week Y’all!