Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader
Last week, many of us had the opportunity to celebrate Tennessee 4-H in a variety of ways from proclamations to social media posts, everyone was able to share what 4-H meant to them in their own special way.
One of my week’s highlights was visiting the legislature on Wednesday with members of our Tennessee 4-H state council. These young people visited each legislative office and had a chance to interact with legislators and their staff to tell their 4-H story and to share why 4-H is so meaningful to them. Along with UTIA Senior Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice President Carrie Castile and four members of the state 4-H council leaders, I had the chance to visit members of state government, including Governor Bill Lee, Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Comptroller of the Treasury Jason Mumpower, and Treasurer David H. Lillard, Jr. and share the 4-H message as well as hear from them either about their own 4-H experiences or how their department works. It was a great day and a great way to celebrate National 4-H Week.
Special thanks to UT System President, Randy Boyd for taking time out of his schedule to also visit with the 4-H members and share about his work and how 4-H impacts people in Tennessee. Thanks for what each one of you do on a daily basis to better the lives of our young people.
Have a great week.