Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
Kali Barker, Extension Agent
On October 30, the Hardin County 4-H Mentoring Program held a Harvest Party for mentees, mentees’ families, and mentors. Participants were encouraged to dress up if they wanted to since most already had costumes for Halloween. The theme for the night was “working together.” We placed games all around the room in which anyone who chose to play could win prizes while answering a few questions about working together at home. Our lesson for the night was about disaster/emergency preparedness. We shared how important it is to work out a plan with each member of the family so if something did happen, everyone would be ready.

Members of the group were welcome to share about minor emergencies that could happen or had happened to them. This led into us talking about making sure other people are prepared. We bought supplies to make first aid kits for senior citizens in our community. Boxes included items like Band- Aids, alcohol wipes, gauze pads, Neosporin, and mild pain reliever such as Tylenol. The boxes were delivered to our local senior center, and our program was thanked over and over for the donation.