Lynne Middleton, Extension Agent
We’ve been having a lot of fun conducting our healthy lifestyles program. Over 400 youth have been reached at this point, and our original goal was 275. We’ve already taught lessons on handwashing, reading nutrition labels, healthy substitutions in meals and as snacks, and whole grains. In December, we will be discussing sugar and what the sugar intake should be of a normal, healthy person.
Participants have received a “Cooking Matters with Teens” handbook, from the Walmart Foundation, along with a Walmart Foundation water bottle.
One teen, Sam Hood, has changed his 4-H project from Computers/Technology to Food Science because he loves the cooking part of this program.
Another youth member, Tim Held, has changed his 4-H project to Safety Science, and each month has been demonstrating “Safety in the Kitchen.” So far, Tim has taught us proper knife skills, safety tips for the kitchen, and holiday safety. I look for- ward to him presenting more as we progress.
Share Our Strength – Cooking Matters – Cooking Matters Presents – Sugar Shocker
Compare labels to choose foods lower in sugar.
Think sugar gives you a lift? Think again. Too much sugar will leave you feeling tired and sluggish soon after you eat. Healthy foods give you the energy you need to play, do well in school, and be active all day long.
Have you ever seen the Nutrition Facts Panel on a food package? That’s where you can find out how much sugar is in your food or drink. Look for it on the side or back of the package.
The next time you reach for a soda or other sugary drink, think about eating 16 packets of sugar. That’s how much sugar is in a 20 ounce soda! Instead, try mixing 100% fruit juice with sparkling water.
It’s ok to eat sugary foods from time to time. Think of them as a special treat instead of and everyday food.
Try This! Next time you go food shopping with an adult or on your own, look at how much sugar is in a food or drink you would normally buy. See if you can find a similar food with less sugar that you would be willing to try.