Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
Lynne Middleton, Bradley County Extension Agent
Nutrition, exercise, and learning to live healthy lifestyles are becoming more important to not only adults, but to youth in today’s society. Eating balanced meals and becoming more active are important ways to have a healthy, longer life and many youth do not learn these lessons at home.
Bradley County 4-H members have an opportunity to learn about healthier living through the support of the Walmart Youth Choice: Youth Voice Grant. Between
![Current Grant Projects: Bradley County [Walmart Youth Choice: Youth Voice]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/CurrentGrantProjectBradleyCounty.jpg)
![Current Grant Projects: Bradley County [Walmart Youth Choice: Youth Voice]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/CurrentGrantProjectBradleyCounty-2.jpg)
September 2016 and August 2017, youth in seven counties in East Tennessee are learning hands-on, life lessons that will help them live healthier lives for years to come.
Specifically in Cleveland, 4-H members have participated in lessons on making healthy, fun snacks including trail mix and fruit animals, along with balancing sweets with vegetables and protein and pizza meeting needs to become a healthy meal. Lessons have been taught from a variety of resources including the “4-H Pizza Garden” curriculum from the University of Florida, the “Eat Smart” curriculum from the University of Tennessee Extension Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP), and the National 4-H Curriculum “Health” project.
So far, over 100 Bradley County youth have been reached with hands-on classes that began with hand-washing and “Food Safety 101.” For the remainder of the grant cycle, Lynne Middleton, Extension Agent 4-H in Bradley County, said, “I am hoping to work with a local day camp center throughout the summer months to do programming that will get the youth moving and eating a little healthier than they normally do. It’s been an exciting opportunity and I appreciate Walmart funding this awesome program!”
Sam Hood, 9th Grader at Walker Valley High School said, “I’ve loved learning about cooking. My mom and sisters cook but I guess people don’t expect boys to do it too. I’ve learned a lot and my favorite part of it is eating the stuff we get to make.”
All programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and UT/TSU Extension provide equal opportunities and employment. For more information about the 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Grant from Walmart, contact Shelby Brawner or Lynne Middleton.
![Current Grant Projects: Bradley County [Walmart Youth Choice: Youth Voice]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/CurrentGrantProjectBradleyCounty-3.jpg)