![Current Grant Projects: Madison County [Walmart Youth Choice: Youth Voice]](https://4h.tennessee.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2020/07/MadisonCountyMakesAnImpact.jpg)
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
Kane Reeves, Extension Agent
Recently, myself and one of our 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors participated in the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, INC. Youth Symposium. At this event we set up a table offering information on nutrition and a healthy snack option for participants. During the event a parent and her young daughter came to the table and tried the snack and asked of different ways to use yogurt and the nutritional information, etc. As we talked, I showed her a sheet on estimated daily calories based on the person’s physical activity. I went on to show her the 5 pound fat model and discussed how the two go hand and hand. She thanked me and asked me for the sheet to take home so she could read over it.
About a month later, I saw her at a school as we conducted 4-H clubs, and she stopped me and stated that she wanted to thank me again for the “eye opener.” She said the in- formation has helped her and her daughter get up and moving more. They even have be- gun walking every day. She also mentioned they now have the sheet with the calorie in- take and MyPlate posted on their refrigerator to be a reminder. They have changed many of their eating habits and have focused on making portion sizes an important part of meal building. She encouraged me to continue to spread the word and help others make a change in their diet and exercise routines.