Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist
Understanding the cultures and traditions of people around the world broaden the human mind. While we may not have the opportunity to travel to places like India, Japan, or New Zealand, there is much that we can learn about those places and others. Tennessee 4-H members are encouraged to include participation in global activities when submitting e-Portfolios. Much of the time, judges see entries like, “ate at a Mexican Restaurant,” “learned to speak Spanish, or “watched the news,” to fulfill this requirement. We have few opportunities for 4-H members to engage in hands-on learning experiences about places and people around the world. That is about to change! In addition to the States 4-H Exchange Program, which State 4-H Specialist Jamie Harris oversees, lessons are being developed to guide youth in more formal education about other countries and cultures. The Global Connections Curriculum Development Team is comprised of Lynne Middleton, Lori Gallimore, Jamie Harris, Anica Alderson, Tonya Bain, Tracy Hagan, James McMillion, Nicole Marrero, Maria Sabin, and Aliyah Young. This group has worked for the past eight months on planning, writing, and reviewing lesson plans focused on exploring other cultures, clothing, foods, and traditions. Twelve new lessons, with more coming, have been finished and will be available to 4-H Agents and members soon. For more information about all things curriculum, please reach out to Lynne Middleton, interim state 4-H curriculum specialist. |