Dr. Richard Clark
November 4-5, thirteen 4-H Horse Project members represented Tennessee at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup. Eastern Nationals is the highest level educational contest within 4-H, and continues to be the largest youth equine educational event in North America. The youth and their coaches have worked diligently in preparation for this contest, which encompassed the top youth from 26 states and totaled over 300 individual contestants. I wanted to share their success with you and recognize the efforts of their county agents and coaches that have dedicated time to educating and preparing the 4-Hers for this level of competition.
The TN Horse Judging Team from Sumner County, comprised of Megan Thornton, Amber Thornton, Georgia Ann Smith, and Erin Carver and coached by Jeffrey Hester (County Agent). The team was 4th high team in conformation classes, 2nd high team in performance classes, 2nd high team in oral reasons, and 3rd high team overall. Amber Thornton was 5th high individual in conformation, 1st high individual in performance, 2nd high individual in oral reasons, and 2nd high individual overall. Georgia Ann Smith received 1st high individual recognition in conformation, 6th high individual in performance, 4th high individual in oral reasons, and was the 1st high individual overall in the con- test.

Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup-Lily Turaski from Blount County represented TN in the Individual Presentation Contest, and is coached by Lorena Truett (volunteer). She received 7th place overall.

Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup Results – Blount County competitors including Siena Spayner, Madeline Parr, Tara Con- way and Rachel Ottinger represented TN well in the Horse Bowl contest.

Rutherford County represented TN in the Hippology contest, an all-around contest comprised of a written exam, stations, slide identification, team problem, and horse judging phases. Anna Moore, Cara Moore, Charity Chandler, and Rebecca Grace Stone were coached by Tammy Chandler (parent volunteer) to success as indicated by placing 4th team overall in the written phase, 6th team overall in the stations phase, 8th team overall in the horse judging phase, 8th team overall in the team problem phase, and 4th place team overall. Charity Chandler also received 10th high individual in the written phase, and 9th high individual overall.