Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head
The 28th year of 4-H Electric Camp wrapped up this week. What a tremendous experience for approximately 280 4-Hers from across the state. This year, 4-H Electric Camp stayed in a brand new dorm. This is my first time to observe 4-H Electric camp and I was very impressed.
Science education was everywhere. From “Professor Gigawatts Lightning Stimulator” to the closing assembly program of “Watt is Electricity”, participants experienced all types of energy educational activities. Campers participated in six hands-on workshops – Solar Energy,Wind Energy, Energy Conservation, Build an Electric Lamb, Electric Safety and Electric Vehicles.
Additionally, 4-H Electric Camp is a good example of utilizing volunteers in an educational pro- gram. Twenty-three electric cooperative associations, 20 municipal power companies and TVA participated in the program. About 75 individuals representing these firms provided the instruction for the camp.
Lastly, we need to recognize Dr. Mike Buschermohle for coordinating 28 years of 4-H Electric Camp. He has seen the camp grow from 72 participants the first year to over 400 in another year. He does a great job of organizing our cooperators to present an outstanding experiential learn- ing activity. Also, thank you to Daniel Sarver for serving as our 4-H specialist working with 4-H Electric Camp.