Joseph L. Donaldson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
The Southern Region Program and Staff Development Committee and the National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP) cordially invite you to participate in the 2017 Virtual Summer School! The theme for this year’s event is Career Advancement! Please see below for dates, webinar descriptions, and links to join. You may join one or more of the webinars. All webinars begin at 2 pm Central Time. Additional information and recordings of past NAEPSDP webinars, can be found on the NAEPSDP website.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Title: What Can Be Published – Turning the non-publishable into publishable
Presenter: Dr. Nick Fuhrman, Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, University of Georgia
Description: As Extension professionals, we do so many wonderful things to make life better for our communities on a daily basis. Anecdotally, we know that our work makes a difference, but how can we collect data on our efforts and share what we’ve learned with others? Even when our efforts are not as “successful” as we hoped they would be, our Extension colleagues can learn from our hiccups. If you’re interested in collecting simple data to share, or sharing data you already have in a peer-reviewed publication, this session is for you! Plus, since “Ranger Nick” likes to use animals in his teaching, a live animal or two might make an appearance on camera!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Title: Digital Storytelling for Scholarly Engagement
Presenter: Dr. James K. Woodell (Jim), Vice President for Economic Development and Community Engagement, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities & Christine Geith, CEO, eXtension
Description: Extension personnel have teaching, research, and service portfolios that often look different from traditional academics’ dossiers, which most frequently emphasize basic research and publications. This session will explore how Extension portfolios emphasizing outreach, practical research, and scholarly engagement are published and presented in digital formats—online journals, blogs, webinars, e-learning, social media, and website development. Presenters will talk about undertaking knowledge advancement via these platforms as well as the challenges of working with tenure and promotion committees to help them understand the value.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Title: Getting Published – How and Where to Get Published
Presenters: Dr. Julie Sexton, Extension Professor, School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University Extension Service; Dr. Donna Peterson, Extension Professor, School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University Extension Service & Journal of Human Sciences and Extension Editor; Dr. Stephen Brown, Matanuska/Copper River District Agriculture Agent and Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks & President of the Journal of Extension and a past Editor for the Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.
Description: This session will look at various journals for which your Extension work and research are a good fit for publication. This session will also discuss how to begin the publication process with two of the top Extension specific journals – the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension (JHSE) and the Journal of Extension (JOE). You will have the opportunity to learn tips and suggestions from journal editors and ask questions.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Title: The Who, What, When, and How to Prepare for Advancement
Presenters: Dr. Rich Poling, Retired Director – Program and Staff Development, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service; Dr. Alan Ladd, Regional Extension Education Director, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach; Dr. Melissa Cater, Associate Professor & Program Evaluation Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education & Evaluation, LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture; Dr. Michael E. Newman, Professor and Director, School of Human Sciences, Mississippi State University
Description: When planning or preparing for the promotion and/or tenure process, there are many questions ranging from the value of developing a mentoring relationship with veteran Extension professionals, to when and how to prepare your promotion and/or tenure document or presentation. This panel of experts consists of non-tenured faculty, tenured faculty, department heads, and a district/regional director, many who have served on a promotion and/or tenure committee. Panel members will provide information and answer questions on the “in’s and out’s” of promotion and/or tenure.