Glenn Turner, Extension Agent
Dear Extension Family and Friends,
As you know this has been a trying year for many in Sevier County with the wildfires of November 28, 2016. UT Extension Sevier County sends a heartfelt Thank You for the overwhelming support you have sent our way. The overwhelming tragedy that many in our county have faced has been matched by an overwhelming response from the Extension Family and Friends in Tennessee and literally across our country. We just wanted to give you an update of what has transpired in the Sevier County 4-H Office related to fire relief for Sevier County 4-H families.
After the fires of November 28, 4-H groups from Tennessee and around the nation ask, “What can we do to help 4-H families?” We suggested send gift cards. Since early December, our office has received over $90,000 in gift cards and cash, earmarked for 4-H families impacted by fires.
Gift cards and cash donations have come from over 500 different 4-H members, 4-H groups and 4-H friends in the Cooperative Extension System from across the nation. Gifts have been sent from 36 different states. We identified 51 families with 4-H members that lost homes. These families included 62 4-H members. We also had one Master Gardener who lost their home.
In December, each 4-H member with loss was delivered a 4-H care package at school, which included a 4-H t-shirt, back pack, replacement of 4-H project work and other 4-H gifts. In February and early March we distributed a set of gift cards to each family valued at $1420.00, along with information regarding the opportunity for each of these 4-H members to attend camp this summer on a 4-H Fire Relief Scholarship. Sixteen 4-H members have taken advantage of the camp scholarship valued at $325.00 each. Most took part in Junior Camp with one attending Junior High Camp in July.
After camp, we will make a final distribution of gift cards to these families with the remaining cash on hand. This final distribution will include a set of gift cards valued at be- tween $150.00 and $200.00 each. We just want you to be aware of how these resources that have been sent from across the nation to 4-H families have been distributed. We are grateful for all that has been sent our way. It has been humbling to be a part of getting these resources in the hands of 4-H families.
Thank you again for taking part in the 4-H Fire Relief efforts with a donation. Your do- nation has been an encouragement to these 4-H families.
We are also posting a video as a thank you on Facebook at UT Extension Sevier County. I hope you can take a look at it.
We have created the 4-H Smoky Mountain Strong t-shirt using the design and slogan from Kasidy Cates 4-H poster. Kasidy lost her home in the fires. The front of the shirt has the 4-H Clover with Smoky Mountain Strong under it. The back of the shirt uses her slogan, “Stronger we will be with 4-H you and me!” Shirts are available in the Sevier County Extension office for $10. If we ship to you they are $15. Proceeds will pay for the shirts given to each 4-H fire victim and support 4-H programs in Sevier County. Sizes include youth medium and large and all adult sizes. Let us know how many shirts we can send your way. Checks made payable to UT Extension.
Please share this email with any and all Extension Family and Friends across the United States.
Thank you again, “We are Smoky Mountain Strong”
Sevier County Extension Staff
Alan Bruhin
Linda Hyder
Glenn K. Turner
Meg Curtis
Samantha Franklin
Suzie Thead
Debbie Hurst
**Note: The Newsletter is typically not a method used to market individual county items, however this opportunity will allow us to continue to join together and support Sevier County 4-H’ers affected by the wildfires.
The Smoky Mountain Strong 4-H Fire Relief T-shirt
$10.00 at the Sevier County Extension Office
$15.00 if Shipped
Fill out the form below and bring or mail to the Sevier County Extension Office.
Shirt – Gray only
Please enter the Quantity:
- Youth Medium –
- Youth Large –
- Adult Small –
- Adult Medium –
- Adult Large –
- Adult X-Large –
- Adult 2 XL –
Total $ –
If mailing in form and payment please complete the following section:
- Name
- Shipping Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Phone number
- Email address
Make Check Payable to: UT Extension – Sevier County
Mail to: 752 Old Knoxville Highway, Sevierville, Tn 37862