Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation

The fall Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign will take place October 3– 14 to make it possible for more youth in the community to experience 4-H’s youth-led, hands-on programming.
Tractor Supply customers can participate in the 2018 Fall Paper Clover campaign by purchasing paper clovers for $1 or more at checkout. Each year the paper clover program generates almost $80,000 for county 4-H programs.
Additionally, any county program that has club members, volunteers or county agent participate at their local store during the paper clover campaign may enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win one of seventy-five, $100 TSC gift cards. You can register for the sweepstakes on the Tractor Supply website. Participation can be anything from setting up a dis- play table and project boards inside the store to having clubs encourage customers to donate.
Attached to this email are some re- sources for counties to use to pro- mote the campaign on social media.