Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager
The grants that provide healthy living programming all across our state would not be as successful without the many volunteers that help implement the program. Their time and dedication to the programming should not go unnoticed! Many of the volunteers are teen leaders who have busy lives due to school and other extracurricular activities, but they still find the time to volunteer to serve our youth with positive, impactful programs. Friday, January 19 will be our first “#FeatureFriday” on Tennessee 4-H social media where these individuals will be highlighted for their dedication.
Elizabeth House is a current senior high 4-H member in Cannon County. she is passionate about teaching youth the importance of resisting the use of tobacco and drugs. Previously serving as Cannon County’s 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Ambassador, Elizabeth now represents Cannon County High School in the T4 program (Tennessee Teens Talk Tobacco). Elizabeth is a teen leader for the Health Rocks! program in Cannon County. She has proved to be an excellent choice for helping Kristen Jones, Cannon County Extension Agent, deliver the Health Rocks! curriculum to youth in Cannon County. Elizabeth is a wonderful role model for younger students to look up to. Way to go, Elizabeth!