Dr. Richard Clark
Of the 176,232 4-H members in Tennessee:
Location of Residence:
- 45.6% lived in towns under 10,000 and open country
- 39.7% lived in towns and cities of 10,000 – 50,000
- 5.2% lived in central cities of more than 50,000
- 6.6% lived on farms
- 2.7% lived in suburbs or cities of more than 50,000
- 50.0% female
- 50.0% male
- 36.1% 5th- and 6th-graders
- 23.3% 4th-graders
- 16.6% 7th- and 8th-graders
- 13.8% kindergarten through 3rd-graders
- 6.0% 9th- through 12th-graders
- 4.2% other (not in school, special needs, etc.)