Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader
Over the past few months, many of us have experienced stress related to being stuck indoors and attached to our computers. I, along with many of my 4-H co-workers, can relate to this growing stress. Is there a solution to handling the monotony of being stuck in your home office or in my case, at the kitchen table? Get outside! Take a walk with your family and enjoy the great outdoors. If you can walk and “zoom” at the same time, take one of your zoom calls while walking in your neighborhood (just be sure to mute yourself or they will think Darth Vader is on the call – I know this from experience.
This past weekend, I visited the Clyde Austin 4-H Center and enjoyed practicing for an upcoming shooting sports event by shooting a few clay targets (my first time ever). As I walked to my car that morning, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful scenery, including the majestic mountains in the distance. Do we have to do everything indoors? Of course not! Take full advantage of your porch, back- yard, or nearby walking trail.
Over the past few weeks, several of our traditionally indoor 4-H activities have been taken outside. Other than an occasional sunburn or a few mosquitoes, there is nothing more peaceful than taking a brisk walk, rocking on your front porch, or just simply enjoying nature. I plan on holding a couple of virtual meetings outside this week. I hope each of you will do the same.