Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to travel the state and see some of our outstanding 4-H programs in action. In Cookeville, I got a chance to see the 4-H shooting sports program take place, specifically the state 4-H Archery Jamboree. There were over 350 competitors from across the state competing for top honors. These young people learn so much through the archery program – responsibility, dedication, etcetera. Special thanks to Aaron Spurling, interim 4-H Shooting Sports coordinator, and all of the agents and volunteers who helped put on this event. Congratulations to all the competitors as well. From there, I traveled to Crossville where I got a chance to visit with 4-H’ers attending the Eastern Region All-Star Conference. They enjoyed leadership development activities and participated in a service project. Again, special thanks to the staff and volunteers who make these All-Star programs happen. It’s a great time to be in Tennessee 4-H and this Saturday was the proof of that. Have a great week and thanks for what you do. |