Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head
Welcome to 2019! Hope each of you had a very enjoyable break during this holiday season. January is only a few days old but Tennessee 4-H is back in full action. This year’s theme is Tennessee 4-H – A Roadmap to Success. Several Tennessee 4-H members have been or will be “on the road” seeking success in their project work.
January 1, the Wilson County 4-H Livestock Judging Team returned home from the Arizona National Livestock Show where they placed 7th. Great job ladies (and coach)! This week Tennessee 4-Hers will be making their way to Denver, CO to participate in the Western National Roundup. Public speaking, consumer decision making, meat judging, FCS skillathon, livestock judging and leadership activities are some of the events 4-Hers will participate. I bet there will be some time spent playing in the snow on the mountain tops.
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2019 is the year of the Pig. January 10-12, over 300 swine project participants will be gathering in Murfreesboro for the State 4-H Hog show. In addition to showing their barrows and gilts, participants will compete in the skillathon and showmanship events. The hog show also allows 4-Hers to interact with the Tennessee Pork Producers and other agricultural business leaders. Shooting Sports and 4-H All- Star events are also coming up in January.
4-H staff and subject matter specialists have already started planning for an outstanding 2019 Tennessee 4-H year. The Chinese say the Pig at- tracts success in all aspects of life – just like Tennessee 4-H!