Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist
No worries! We are keenly aware of this overlap. There are several factors at play – the earlier timeline for 4-H Congress, the need for the hotel to receive the registration list 30 days in advance and the February 1 deadline for portfolios.
Portfolios are currently being judged. All scores will be submitted by the middle of next week. Once tabulated, emails will be sent to all agents who had a portfolio submitted from their respective county. This email will let you know if your 4-H member is or is not a state finalist. SUPER registration will reopen shortly thereafter to allow those of you with a finalist(s) to enter their information. More information is forth- coming on this. This exception is only granted to those who have potential state finalists in Citizenship and Leadership. All other delegates (public speaking winners, senators, representatives, volunteers, agents, etc…) should have already registered.
In the interim, we have “place holders” set for the hotel registration to ensure that we have enough sleeping rooms and meals reserved. Our project finalists will not be left behind! Your patience is the most appreciated! Please let me know if you have questions!