Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
Tennesse Ag Literacy Week is designed to enhance and support literacy outreach programs, emphasizing agriculture education. Hundreds of agriculture producers, government leaders, and Tennessee 4-H members volunteered their time and knowledge to support this outreach. I am excited to announce that Tennessee 4-H members and agents reported over 4000 hours of Ag Literacy programming in over 100 schools in 2021 to celebrate Ag Literacy Week. The Tennesee 4-H Foundation will be providing a $50 gift card to the top youth and adult readers.
Congratulations to 4-H Agent Brigitte Passman, Tipton County, and 4-H member Connor Bates, McMinn County.
Connor Bates, 4-H member, McMinn County
Connor visited 14 classrooms in McMinn County and read to over 200 children in K-4th grade.

Brigitte Passman, Tipton County
In Tipton County, agents created STEM AG literacy kits for the county and partnered with NCRS and Tipton County Farm Bureau Women. Due to the county-wide program of Ag Literacy Week, 521 youth were involved representing seven schools along with the Hatchie River Boys and Girls Club. Agents were able to raise $1,000 from NCRS and Tipton County Farm Bureau Women to go back to purchasing an Ag-related story for the winning classroom students to receive a prize for participating in Ag Literacy Week on the county level.

Comments received from teachers
- My students were excited to talk about plants and how food can be grown
- We loved the activities and the materials and instructions that were easy to use
- It was an eye-opener for my students
- Increased background knowledge for the plant life cycle
- I have a farmer’s daughter in my class. She said that her Daddy was going to call her a farmer when she took her glove of seeds home!
- It was a great break from regular work but still informative to the students.
- “Students gained an awareness of their hereditary traits.”