Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Cookeville to attend the State Jr. Swine Show where 4-H and FFA members were demonstrating their outstanding accomplishments in the show ring. I had the chance to visit with many of these 4-H members who were excited to not only be face to face but to have the opportunity to exhibit their animals. I especially enjoyed seeing the large delegation from Macon County (pictured below). Our 4-H livestock programs provide so many young people across our great state, the opportunity to not only demonstrate proficiency in their project area but also these young people are learning very valuable life skills like responsibility, dependability, time management, and work ethic. There are few places any better to teach these essential skills on the farm when young people are tasked with caring for animals and taking care of their essential needs. I very much enjoyed being at the hog show. As a 4-H agent, I was assigned to the hog show, but in this role, I have a much deeper appreciation for our livestock programs. Special thank you to all of our Extension staff, volunteers who give up their time to ensure a quality 4-H activity. |