Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist
HOST an international youth delegate from Japan and bring the richness of the world to your home!
July 23, 2022, through August 17, 2022
You must have a child of the same gender who is within 3 years of the hosted youth.
To host an exchange student or chaperone from Japan contact your 4-H agent. Much more information is posted on the website.
What are the requirements for host families? To host a youth delegate, you must have a child living in your home who is the same gender and within 3 years of age of the host youth.
Example: Exchange student is 14/Child in host family could range between 11 and 17.
How old are the delegates? Between the ages of 12-14.
I don’t have children living at home, can I host? Yes, we also need a host for the adult chaperone.
Will they speak English? All students will have studied English in school, but their speaking abilities are very limited.
What are the expectations of the host family? They will become a member of your family and participate in your daily life.
How long will they stay? 3 1/2 – 4 weeks.
When will they arrive? Mid-July/Mid-August (specific dates vary).
Will the exchange student be able to attend school with me? You will need to discuss with your school principal, but in most cases, the school is very open to having exchange students at their school.
How much will it cost? Lodging, meals, transportation, and any cultural excursion fees.
If you are interested in hosting a Japanese exchange student or an adult chaperone in the summer of 2022 contact your 4-H Agent for more information.