Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader
I’ve had the pleasure of spending the last four days with over 900 youth and adults from across the country, including a large delegation from Tennessee 4-H, at the Ignite by 4-H teen summit in Washington, DC. This action-packed conference brought together teens and adults from around the country who are interested in focusing on positive youth development in the areas of agriculture, STEM, and healthy living. While there we had the opportunity to participate in innovative workshops, hands-on learning experiences, and engaged in conversation with others from around the country. This action-packed conference brought together teens and adults from around the country who are interested in focusing on positive youth development in the areas of agriculture, STEM, and healthy living. While there we had the opportunity to participate in innovative workshops, hands-on learning experiences, and engaged in conversation with others from around the country. The term Ignite from the conference makes me think of getting a spark going and lighting a fire within to excite young people, and that’s what our 4-H agents and program assistants do every single day. They take the spark within them to help young people get excited about 4-H offerings. It was a great conference and a wonderful time working together. Thanks for what you do every day and have a great week! |